The New Instant Video Feature of Facebook Messenger

The New Instant Video Feature of Facebook Messenger 1

Facebook is providing instant video feature through its Facebook Messenger app. This Instant Video Feature a new tool that will allow users to send videos, written messages, gifs, plus photos in the course of texting within the application.

Recent news made it known that this new development is quite different from video calls that have been there in Messenger since 2015. The Instant Video feature is premeditated for the situations and times when you don’t automatically want to make a complete video call, but share an instant that you capture on camera with any of your contacts.

Facebook Messenger Instant Video feature is great for sharing immediate moments with friends who are not making your conversations interesting by seeing each other one-on-one or right by your side at the type you are messaging.

This innovative feature works for both Android and Apple iOS devices. Once you click on the Video icon in the top right corner of your screen, you can begin sharing real-time video. While you will be able to turn the audio on with a click, the video feed will float over the active text conversation.

See also  How to Use Facebook Messenger Instant Video Feature

The purpose is to harmonize an active text discussion instead of replacing it, according to Facebook.  This new feature appears to be the response of Facebook to the popularity of SnapChat and newly launched Duo app from Google that features a live preview.

As mentioned earlier, Instant Video is on the latest version of Facebook Messenger for Android or iOS rolling out now. Going by Facebook announcement, it was revealed that in July, Messenger exceeded 1 billion users across the world.


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